Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Last week, I had another follow up appointment. By the time I made it to my appointment, I was walking without crutches! I thought the day would never come!! I'm still wearing the boot but I am able to walk around. At my appointment, my doctor checked my scar to make sure it was healed. He said that for the most part it was looking good but there was a tiny, tiny portion of it that wasn't fully healed. He told me to let give it a week to heal.

Once it is healed, I can start progressing out of the boot. I was given a compression brace to assist me in walking without the boot. I opted to have a compression brace to help push the rest of the swelling out of my ankle. My doctor said that the swelling was right about where it should be. I was instructed to start doing exercises to get my range of motion back. These include the following: pointing & flexing, spelling the ABC's with my foot, and walking on it.

I go back on the 1st of March. My doctor said that after that appointment, he'll decide if I will be doing physical therapy. He hopes by that appointment, I will be able to start walking without the boot and be in regular shoes (yayy!).


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