Today was my one week follow up after my surgery. Although my doctor was unable to make it, he is currently snowed in in Iowa, a doctor who assisted with the surgery was able to see me. He said that everything looked really well. The swelling was really not that bad, although to me it looked horrible. Which is why I decided to call it Frank-an-ankle. Anywhoot, the doctor gave me a choice between another splint or a boot. I opted to have the boot for a few reasons. 1- I'll be moving to snow country soon and wouldn't be able to get a splint wet. 2- The idea of being in a boot sounded a lot better. 3- Now that I have a boot, I can wear actual clothes if needed (even though I do love lounging around in my jammies). Once I had made my decision, they wrapped Frank-an-ankle back up. I was glad they did because it was making me a queasy. While the boot it ALOT heavier, I already see the benefits of having it. It allows me to be a little more mobile. While I can not put weight on it, it does allow me to rest my foot more easily. Because I can remove it, I will be able to wear jeans and more weather appropriate clothing. It also allows my foot to sit straight. One thing I noticed is that my ankle doesn't sit straight in the splint and I don't want it healing crooked.
My Tips Thus Far:
1- Keep your foot elevated as much as possible. I've had my foot elevated everyday since surgery. Even while I sleep.
2- Ice that sucker. Since it is thickly wrapped, I was instructed to place the ice pack behind my knee. I can feel it working.
3- Take your meds. The first few days were really rough pain wise. I was taking pain killers every four hours. Now they last longer or maybe I don't have as much pain? Either way, I've been able to take half throughout the day and it will last me 6 to 8 hours. I usually take one before bed and than one in the morning. Other than that, they have me on an antibiotic which I take every 8 hours.
Welp, that's all for now.