Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Results Are In....

Yesterday, I had my highly anticipated follow up for my ankle. While the MRI showed there were no tears in my tendons (Yayy!), it did show some abnormalities. There are a few areas that will need some work done. For those of you who are like me and need to know everything (lol) I'll explain.

My MRI showed that my peroneal tendon doesn't sit in a groove like it should. Instead of my bone being grooved, it sort of bubbles out. Which in turn causes subluxation. This causes the tendon to become irritated and inflamed. While none of my tendons were torn, the MRI showed that they were inflamed or had thickened. There is also another area of my foot that part of the bone will need to be shaved down because it sticks out too far. This causes the tendon become inflamed and a fluid filled sac as developed to adjust this abnormality. There is also some scar tissue that will be removed.

He basically gave me two options. I could have surgery to correct the problems or I could wait another 5-6 months and see if anything has improved after wearing a brace and taking anti-inflamatories. I decided that it was probably best to go ahead and get the surgery. I explained to him that I didn't want to come back in another 5-6 months with the same problem. He said that most people with injuries like mine chose the same thing because they don't see improvement otherwise. According to my doctor, the normal recovery period for this type of surgery is 6 - 10 weeks. He thinks that I will recover faster since I am younger and in better health than most patients.

My surgery is scheduled for Wednesday. I'm a bit nervous but know that it's better in the long run to get it done. Before I go in, I have to have a blood test and EKG done. I'm hoping to get that done before the week is up. Come to think about it, I think I'm more nervous for a blood test lol!


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