Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 24, 2010


Yesterday was the big day....my ankle surgery. I was pretty nervous the night before and couldn't eat after midnight. I had to be to the surgery center around 7 am to check in. Matthew and I woke up around 6 and got ready to leave. Once we signed in, they took me back pretty quickly. Once I was lying on the bed, I started to get really anxious. The nurse came over and started to put in my IV. For the most part, I did really well. After the IV was put in, I started to feel nauseous. I think it was everything hitting me all at once....surgery, not eating, pain killers, and needles. After dry heaving, I started to feel better. After that, my doctor came back to talk to me about what he was going to be doing. He had decided to add another procedure to the list. Altogether, he performed five different procedures. Luckily, he only had to make one incision. Being put to sleep wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I was out after taking one breath. When I woke up, I had some pretty intense pain in my calf. After answering twenty questions, they gave me some more Demorol to help with the pain. Fifteen or twenty minutes passed before they allowed me to start getting dressed. After I was all dressed, they wheeled me into a waiting room where Matthew was waiting for me. The nurse went over a few things with him and gave us the prescriptions for some pain killers and antibiotics. For the most part, my foot was pretty tingly. Apparently, my doctor gave me some pretty awesome numbing medication before I woke up. Supposedly, I can last up to 30 hours.

Day 1
So far today hasn't been too bad. I woke up with some pain this morning. I had decided to take half of a pain killer before I went to bed so that I would be able to sleep. When I woke up this morning I took the other half. My foot is still tingly from the numbing medication. As far as dressing goes, it is wrapped in a splint that makes my foot look three times larger than it is.

That's all for now.


1 comment:

  1. Megan! I wish I was there with you like when you got your wisdom teeth pulled! I would make you soup and ice cream. Good thing you've got a good guy to be there with you though. I've been thinking a lot lately... I really miss you!
