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Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Weight Loss Chronicles: Sometimes doing everything right...

...gets you no where!

After four months of working out 4 times a week, I was hoping my progress would be right on track. Unfortunately, my genetics decided against that plan. From my initial weigh in to August 15th I gained almost 10 lbs. Gaining weight while working out doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong. Muscle does weigh more than fat, so it is possible. All would've been great except some of my measurements went back up to their original size. This mixed with other symptoms made me wonder if something else was going on with me. 

My mother has a history of hypothyroidism (under active thyroid). Some of the symptoms include itchy skin, brittle nails, tiredness, and weight gain. Knowing this, I met with my doctor and explained everything I had been doing during the last three months. She decided it would be best to have my TSH levels tested, along with a few other things. I had my blood drawn the following day and two days later made a follow up appointment with her to review the results. As I thought, it was under active thyroid. She prescribed me medication and ordered a follow up blood test for two months down the road. I've been taking the medication for a month now and have seen some improvements. My hope is that by the time I see the doctor in two months I've lost the almost 10 lbs I gained.

On another note, I also switched personal trainers. Long story short, mine decided to quit. She was almost 7 months pregnant, in school, and working. I don't blame her for focusing on other important things in life. My new trainer has had me doing some interesting things. For example, he had me switch up my cardio routine. I do a total of 30 mins of cardio every time I go to the gym. Lately I've been doing the treadmill. I walk at a 8 incline and 3 speed for 5 mins and then turn around and walk backwards for 3 mins, same incline but I bump down the speed to a pace I feel comfortable with. I alternate back and froth until I hit my 30 mins.  Doing this will allow you to burn more calories and work muscles that don't normally get worked during cardio.


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