Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I did it! I FINALLY graduated! Although I don't feel any different, it was one of the best feelings ever to know that I had accomplished something so big! Walking across that stage and hearing my name called was amazing! I'm so thankful for the support of my family, friends, and the best husband anyone could ask for. There is no way I would've been able to do it without any of them by my side.

{Class of 2012}

{Getting my diploma}

{I did it}

{Matthew and I}

{Luke & Lisa came to support}

{My parents}

{ASU 2012}

{Sarah-Jane and I}

I'm excited to start the next chapter in life....I'm just not sure what that is yet! haha! For now, I am finally enjoying some time to relax and reflect on the goals that I have accomplished. 


*All personal photographs*

Thanksgiving 2012

This year we spent Thanksgiving in Utah. My WHOLE family was able to make the trip and it was a lot of fun to see everyone. Since we are all spread out (California, Arizona, Utah, Oklahoma), we don't really get to see each other at the same time. It usually happens about every two years...we all decide we are going to meet up and have a mini-reunion type of thing. 

It was a lot of fun to see all my nieces and nephews at once, even though it was only for a couple of days. As usual, Matthew and I were the last to arrive and the first to leave. We left Arizona on tuesday and drove to Page, AZ (about 6 hours). We stayed in a hotel room and left early the next morning. We made pretty good time and it was nice to take a scenic route through Utah. Around 2 pm on Wednesday, we arrived at my sister's house. The kids were so involved in the iPads and iPhones they were playing on that they didn't even bat an eye when Matthew and I walked in the door. 
Page, AZ

After my family at lunch, we decided that we should head to the park and get some outdoor playing time in. Everyone decided to go, except for my parents. We headed to the park and let the kids run around for a couple of hours. They had fun playing on the slides, swings, playing in leaves, and riding bikes down a hill. 

{Chris, Gavin, & Sara}

{Mr. Renfro}


{Gavin & Sara}

{Keira & Aeris}

{Playing in the leaves}

{Phoenix riding down the hill}

{Matthew learning a new skateboarding technique}

{Andrea & Jeremy}

{Aston running to give Drea a hug}

{The whole group...and Gavin rolling down the hill haha}


Once we were done at the park, we headed back to my sister's house and ate some dinner. My parents showed us the "special" t-shirts they bought for the whole family. After putting the kids to bed, all the grown ups stayed up to play board games and chat. We went to bed fairly early because we were all getting up bright and early to run a 5k.

Prior to us all arriving, my sister had sent an email about a 5k on Thanksgiving. About half of us decided to run/walk/jog it. My parents got us all matching shirts that we ended up wearing. Matthew ran/jogged the whole 5k in about 45 minutes. My mom and I walked the whole thing in about an hour. It was fun to walk and talk with my mom since I don't get to see her that often.

After the 5k, we went back to my sister's house and all the women started to slave away in the kitchen ;) haha! We made pies, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, and all the other Thanksgiving fixings. We ate dinner around 3, but most of us weren't that hungry because we had been snacking all day long. Because we were all going to be at my sister's house, we decided to have Christmas too. After dinner, we pulled out the Christmas tree and started decorating. We had all the kids take turns putting ornaments on the tree...which didn't work out as well as I thought. 

Once the tree was all decorated, we had them close their eyes and then we put ALL of their presents under the tree.

{Waiting for presents}

They all were SO excited when they opened their eyes! There were so many presents that it was overflowing. They all got some pretty cool things. After presents were done, it was time for them to head off to bed. Us adults stayed up and played board games, as usual. 

The next morning, we got up nice and early to take family pictures. I thought it would be a nice thing to do for my parents Christmas gift because they don't have a picture with all the family. Luckily, my sister's father in law is a photographer and we were able to schedule a sitting. The pictures turned out great and I can't wait to get the ones that we ordered in the mail.

Once we were done with pictures, we decided to head up to the zoo. Matthew loves animals and I love the fact that the zoo has a polar bear so we rounded up everyone that wanted to go and headed towards Salt Lake City. 

{Elephant trying to eat}

{Andrea, Blaze, Aeris, Keira, Phoenix}


{Some of the kids seeing how they measure up to gorillas}

{Waiting for the gorilla}




{Polar Bear}

{Snoozing Tiger}

The next day, Matthew and I headed down south to meet up with almost all of my best friends! I was really excited to see them since it had been almost a year. We all got together at Stephanie's house and made dinner. It's always fun to see them and I wish we all lived closer so I could see them more often. In the morning, Matthew and I got up to make the long trek back to Arizona. It was a fun weekend with family and friends that I wish it didn't go so fast. 


*All personal photographs*

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Honeymoon: All Aboard, Victoria, BC

This was my favoritest day of the WHOLE trip! We didn't get to Victoria, BC until the afternoon but when we did, the sun was out, birds were singing, and I knew it was going to be a good day. We didn't have anything planned for this day of the trip, but it is the most memorable day when I think about our honeymoon.

When we got off the cruise ship, we decided that we would take the scenic, two mile walk into downtown. We didn't really want to spend money on a cab ride and were in need of some exercise after being aboard a cruise ship for almost a week. About half way through the walk, we were both really hot. We had dressed as if we were still in cold, rainy Alaska. At that point, we decided to turn around to change our clothes into something more appropriate for 80 degree weather. After a quick change, we made our way back onto the scenic path that meander around the waterfront.

The first building we came across was the parliament building. It was even prettier than the pictures I had seen. The lawn was huge and there were tons of people just hanging around. We stopped to take a few shots in front of it.

{Waterfront living in Victoria}

{View of the Empress Hotel on our walk into downtown}

{View of downtown}

{Parliament building in Victoria, BC}

{Me and the building}

{Totem pole in front of the parliament building}

{Mr. Renfro}

{Parliament Fountain}

{Parliament building in Victoria, BC}

After our photo shoot in front of the building, we decided to keep wandering down the road and following the crowd. We came across a few street entertainers, a local outdoor market, and a lot of interesting souvenir shops. We decided to stop off somewhere to grab a bite to eat. We came across a restaurant called The Bard & The Banker....and it was the best decision EVER! The building was originally a bank back in 1860. Since then the building was renovated and turned into a Scottish pub. The inside still looks like an old bank and was really interesting. While we were there, we enjoyed some delicious Canadian food and beer. I drank the most amazing cider ever and was really sad when I found out is was brewed locally...meaning I will have to return to Canada to drink it....tear! :( 

{Cheers to Canada}

{Best Cider Beer EVER}

After eating, we continued to make our way down the street. We found the very small section that was dedicated to China Town and then decided to continue our journey through a huge park. This is where the Mr. and I had a very hilarious, impromptu photo shoot. Every time I look at some of these pictures, I giggle uncontrollably. For those of you who actually read this, I'll spare you by not putting all of the pictures up. If you want to see all of them, you can just look on my facebook. Without further ado: 

{Matthew in China Town}


{Matthew and the ugly scenery at the start of the park}

{Cool bridge}

{Pond o' Lily Pads}

{Matthew looking longingly into the sunset}

{Getting mad at me for playing paparazzi}

{Posing with a bush}


{More frolicking}

{Even more frolicking}

{Pretending to be a duck}

{Dancing in the park with the people behind me}

{Waiting for the Mr. to finally take a picture}

{Matthew being a dinosaur from Jurassic Park}

{6 days of cruise food will do that to you}

{When you gotta go, you gotta go}

{Uh oh}

{Too much cruise food}

{Two peas in a pod}

{Mr. & Mrs.}

I hope you enjoyed those pictures as much as I do.....hahahahaha.


*All personal photographs*