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Friday, August 12, 2011

The Weight Loss Chronicles: Finding the Time

At the start of every week, I tell myself "Self, this is the week you are going to be fully dedicated to working out! No more excuses!" Realistically, I would love to make it to the gym every day. However, there is not enough time in the day to do everything I need to do. With the wedding inching closer and closer, my days seem to have be busier and busier. Starting a new job didn't help too much either. This week I've done better by getting to the gym to lift weights twice already and I've been keeping close tabs on my eating habits. Although, it is hard to say no to Otter Pops!!! I just love those things!!

The other day I decided to hop on the scale to see if I had made any progress. To my surprise, I had dropped 1lb!!! I know that is not a lot but to me it was. At the beginning of July, we took a week vacation to California. When we got back, I was let go from my job, got sick for two weeks, and started a new job! I didn't have much time to make it to the gym with all of that going on. So I was surprised to see the number down from the original starting point!

Now I just need to keep this motivation going! School will be starting up next week and I will be busier than ever! I'm going to continue to try and make it to the gym a few times a week. Hopefully the numbers on the scale will continue to go down!


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